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1. My stepsiblings accuse me of being a hard on them and that I treat my biological siblings better than them.


2. My stepparent is hard on us his stepchildren and soft on his biological children.


3. I sometimes feel this overwhelming fatigue because I have to be equitable in all I do to the children and I feel that despite my efforts, my stepsiblings will always accuse me of not being fair.


4. The verbal and non-verbal communication in our home is negative and hurtful.


5. My stepsiblings and my biological siblings gladly shared our rooms, our goodies and toys and we all helped with chores at home.


6. My relationship with their grandparents and other family members of my stepchildren is cordial.


7. I have this deep feeling that my stepchildren (step-siblings) are manipulative, and they knowingly manipulate their mother (biological parent) and other family members in a way that will hurt me.


8. My stepparent and biological parent can exchange gestures of tenderness in the presence of all of us their children.


9. My stepsiblings were teenagers when I met their family and they welcomed me with open arms.


10. My parent and stepparent often agree on how to discipline all of us the children.


11. I feel this fierce anger well up inside me when I have to deal with my stepsiblings.


12. My stepsiblings are disrespectful to me even though I am the senior child at home.


13. My stepparent often comes from work and dives into their bedroom, and we cannot have fun with our biological parent because we feel guilty having fun and laughing joyously when he is in the next room.


14. My stepparent takes the side of his biological children whenever I have a misunderstanding with them.


15. The parent of my stepsiblings is living close to us and spoils them with gifts just to hurt me and my biological siblings.


16. The parent of my stepsiblings is dead.


17. My relationship with the parent of my stepsiblings is cordial.


18. My stepparent has a relationship with me. We can talk, joke, laugh and confide in each other.We can spontaneously praise and thank each other.


19. When I got into the relationship, my stepsiblings were young and obedient.


20. My new parent was formally introduced to me, and his children were gradually introduced to us in informal non-threatening situations. Afterwards, we went through psychological preparatory counseling with a therapist, and they welcomed my family with open arms.


21. I have this deep anxiety when I think of going back home.


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